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July 4, 2016 —

Meet the Team: Catherine Binnie (Marketing and Distribution manager

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It’s time to introduce you to another member of our team, and this month it’s the turn of Catherine, who looks after our marketing and deals with all of our lovely stockists. Catherine has a background in press and marketing, and is also a bit of a bookworm. She recently started a new blog, Bookish, celebrating her love of books (and magazines!) In fact she’s just written a post about her favourite indie magazine here. (she *may* have mentioned 91!) 🙂 

Catherine enjoying our recent launch night at Anthropologie. Photo: Jemma Watts

Tell us about your morning routine… Chaotic attempts to marshall a 3 year old, a 6 year old and myself into clothes / out the door by 8.30am. Generally involves me asking ‘have you brushed your teeth’ every five seconds. I always have a large mug of tea in hand and, if I’m particularly organised, I manage a quick scroll through Instagram.

Other than 91 Magazine (of course!) what do you like to read? I’m a bookworm, and have just started a book blog – so it would have to be something from my towering TBR pile. I’m currently reading The Crime Writer by Jill Dawson – which is fab, gripping and atmospheric. In terms of magazines, I’ve just discovered (and am really enjoying) Lionheart and The Gentlewoman.

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Describe a corner of your home that you particularly love. My kitchen table, which has been in my family since 1902. It last belonged to my great-aunt and I love the connection it brings between past generations and my own family. I have clear memories of sitting at it as a child, and each mark on its battered surface tells a story. It’s generally covered in felt pen and melded on Weetabix, so it gets an occasional strategic sanding! I often work at the table – it overlooks the garden and it’s nice to have a desk with a view (the alternative view is of a pile of washing up – I try and ignore that).

If you could be whisked away for the weekend to any destination in the world, where would you choose? So many places! I’d love to revisit New York and Tuscany and I’m always up for being whisked to the beautiful beaches of the Gower and Pembrokeshire – near where I grew up. 

What’s the best advice that you’ve ever been given? Don’t use a kitchen scourer to clean your new boyfriend’s brand new car. Sadly, for me I was halfway through the job when that advice was given. ‘Don’t sweat the small stuff’ is pretty sound too, and is what I suggested my boyfriend should do. Not sure he found it that comforting! 

What’s your radio tuned to? BBC Radio 6 Music, interspersed with a bit of Radio 4 and podcasts like Adventures with Words, A Playful Day and Dear Sugar.

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What’s your most treasured flea market find? It would probably have to be a beautiful cup and saucer set, decorated with chinese peonies. Not only beautiful but useful – it holds about a gallon of tea! Willliam Morris would be proud. I’m always chuffed when I manage a haul of vintage Penguins too.

What was the last thing that you made by hand? I’m a hopeless crafter. I’m in awe of makers, so it’s fab to work at 91 with a lot of inspiring, talented, crafty people! I suppose my equivalent would be writing – I’ve just started final re-writes on a novel – does that count?!

What are your home styling essentials? Flowers, lots of them!

Can you share a tip for other creative freelancers? Get to grips with social media scheduling tools like Hootsuite, and get chunks of content planned in advance. Conversely, when you need to step away from the temptations of Instagram/Twitter, then Freedom – a program which blocks the internet for a defined period of time – is pretty useful!

Some quick fire Qs…

Tea or coffee? Both. Lots of.

Early bird or night owl? I aspire to be an early bird…

Summer or Winter? I’m going to be awkward and say Autumn

Twitter or Instagram? (Who do you follow?) Both. I love Twitter for the chats – my favourite being #theyearinbooks – created by 91 Deputy Editor Laura (@circleofpines). Instagram – @thesefourwalls @catesthill @bestbookgrams @littlespree @mybookbath @2manybeautifulbooks

Favourite flower? Peonies, alliums and tulips

And finally… Tell us a secret or something surprising about yourself. I’ve never seen Game of Thrones. And, (whispers it) I don’t intend to ever watch it.

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